Work package 2

led by Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging (ivv), Amsterdam

WP 2: Development, characterisation and provision of innovative, sensory attractive plant protein fibre products

 The objective of this WP is to develop plant protein fibre products to be included in the daily diet in form of an easily applicable powder. The envisaged powder shall be developed in sweet and savoury variants to offer a wide variety of incorporation possibilities into each individual’s favourite foods, drinks and meal dishes.

The inclusion of the plant protein fibre products in the diet aims to achieve similar beneficial effects as animal proteins. Proteins and dietary fibres are both critical and partially underrepresented components in the diet of humans especially of elderly adults. Adequate protein intake slows the decline in muscle mass and function, a widespread health-issue in older persons. Adequate dietary fibre intake on the other hand, prevents constipation and impedes the development of many chronic diseases.

Amino acids are the building blocks of all proteins and their availability determines the nutritional quality of a protein. Plant proteins have amino acid profiles which deviate more form human requirements than animal proteins. Thus, to improve, and optimally balance amino acid profiles, we will combine different plant protein sources. The envisaged products shall therefore be based on several domestic plant protein sources (E.g. corn, potatoes, grains, legumes) and include dietary fibre of the same sources.

We will ensure acceptability of the products by involving older persons in the product development process in several feedback loops. We also aim to consider individual preferences and country specific differences, by developing and testing the powders in different dishes (e.g. soups or desserts). These application hints shall help the study participants to include the plant protein fibre products into their diet.

Work Package 2 Descriptor

Work Package 2 Descriptor