Industry Worshop: Plant-Based Proteins and fibre - optimising nutrition for healthy ageing

5th November 2024, 14:00 - 17:00 (CET), Online

Join us for an exclusive workshop on optimising the diets of our ageing population through plant proteins and fibre!

This workshop is hosted by the APPETITE project team, a collaboration of eight leading institutes across six European countries dedicated to advancing nutritional strategies for older adults.

Don’t miss out!

Don't miss this opportunity to stay at the cutting edge of industry innovation and knowledge. This event is specifically designed for industry stakeholders who are committed to leading in their field.

Secure your spot today and be part of a transformative initiative!

ICFSR 2022 - International conference on frailty & sarcopenia research

Representatives of the APPETITE team from Germany, France, & the Netherlands were all in attendance at the ICFSR conference in Boston.

Online symposium: Improving protein intake of older adults: Metabolic aspects and impact on appetite and physcial functioning.

Moderator: Marjolein Visser (Netherlands)

  1. Optimization of protein intake in the elderly beyond the amino acid composition: What is the positition of plant proteins and under what conditions? (Dominique Dardevet; France)

  2. Innovative plant protein fibre and physical activity solutions to adress poor appetite and prevent undernutrition in older adults: the APPEITITE project. (Dorothee Volkert; Germany)

  3. The effectiveness of personalised dietary advice to increase protein intakeon change in physical functioning in community-dwellign older adults. (Marjolein Visser; Netherlands)

18th international EuGMS Congress - London

Representatives of the APPETITE team from Germany, Ireland, and the UK were all in attendance at the 18th EuGMS congress in London, United Kingdom.

update anorexia: where do we stand?

Chairs: Dorothee Volkert (Germany), Katy Horner (Ireland)

  1. Anorexia - Why does it matter? Causes and Consequences (Natalie Cox; UK)

  2. Screening and assessment of poor appetite (Clare Corish; Ireland)

  3. Innovative treatment approaches - the role of plant protein and dietary fibre (Dorothee Volkert; Germany).


Representatives of the APPETITE team from Germany, Ireland, France, and the UK were all in attendance at the 44th ESPEN congress in Vienna, Austria.

We were very proud to be the very first symposium to present at the 44th ESPEN congress. This was made all the more exciting being the first time the ESPEN congress returns to in-person meetings post Covid-19.

We had a series of very exciting and well attended presentations, updating shareholders on the progress of the APPETITE study to date.

Key conclusions from APPETITE year 1:


  1. Appetite loss is complex

  2. 4 of 5 characteristics of poor appetite are modifiable

  3. Older adults with poor appetite have a positive attitude to a protein powder


  1. ‘Sweet’ PPF powders more acceptable

  2. May limit their use in recipes


  1. Decrease in plant protein sulphur-containing amino acid arterial bioavailability, independent of intake: methionine key EAA


The APPETITE team will be attending the 44th ESPEN congress in Vienna, Austria. This will mark the first formal dissemination event that provides an update on the current state of progress of the study.

  • Moderator: Dorothee Volkert (Germany) , Clare Corish (Ireland)


  • Introduction Speaker: Dorothee Volkert (Germany)

  • Understanding the older consumer with poor appetite. Speaker: Lorelle Dismore (United Kingdom)

  • Characteristics of older persons with poor appetite. Speaker: Pia Scheufele (Germany)

  • Sensory and applicability testing of innovative plant protein fibre products. Speaker: Brian Mullen (Ireland)

  • Digestibility of innovative plant protein fibre products compared to whey. Speaker: Dominique Dardevet (France)

  • Discussion, conclusions and future prospects. Speaker: Clare Corish (Ireland)

Follow the programme here