No longer recruiting

(stay tuned for our exciting results)


12-week Human intervention (stage 4)

UCD are currently recruiting participants for stage 4 of the APPETITE study. This final stage of the study will involve 60 male and female participants aged 65+ years.

If you feel that you don’t enjoy food as much as you once did, or that you struggle or lack motivation to get out for a walk even though you know its beneficial for your health, then:

We want to hear from you

Interested individuals should make initial contact with a member of the UCD APPETITE research team for in depth explanations of what the study entails, and what will be expected of participants. The researcher will be on hand to explain the in’s and out’s of the study and to answer any questions you may have.

You can also view the details about the study by clicking on the link below.


Stage Complete

Amino Acid Study (stage 3)

UCD are currently recruiting participants for stage 3 of the APPETITE study. This third stage of the study will involve 10 male and female participants aged >65 years. Eligible participants will be asked to present to the Institute for Sport and Health (ISH) at the UCD Belfield campus on 4 separate occasions. Participants will be fed a standard meal containing one of our innovative plant based protein and fibre supplements. Following this participants will complete a series of questionnaires, and have blood samples drawn periodically over a 3-hour period.

Each visit will require 4-hours of you time, and you will have the opportunity help with the essential product development stage of our project.

Please read the advertisement attached and if you are interested in taking part and feel you may be eligible, please contact the research team using the email. Alternatively, you can use the link below to register your interest and a member of the research team will contact you in return.


Stage Complete

Sensory study (stage 2, Part 2)

UCD are currently recruiting participants for the second part of our sensory study. This second stage of the sensory study will involve a single visit to the school of food and health at UCD Belfield campus to taste 6 different plant based protein products blending within a sample food, consuming the sample food without the plant based protein product, and complete some questionnaire relating to the experience of consuming the product.

All-in your visit should not take longer than 1-hour, and you will have the opportunity help with the essential product development stage of our project.

Please read the advertisement attached and if you are interested in taking part and feel you may be eligible, please contact the research team using the email. Alternatively, you can use the link below to register your interest and a member of the research team will contact you in return.


Stage Complete

Sensory study (stage 2, Part 1)

UCD are currently recruiting participants for our sensory study. This initial stage of the sensory study will involve a single visit to the school of food and health at UCD Belfield campus to taste 6 different plant based protein products, complete some questionnaire relating to the experience of consuming the product, and a short group discussion about the various characteristics you feel best describe the product.

All-in your visit should not take longer than 1-hour, and you will have the opportunity to give the first impression of our new innovative plant-based protein products.

Please read the advertisement attached and if you are interested in taking part and feel you may be eligible, please contact the research team using the email. Alternatively, you can use the link below to register your interest and a member of the research team will contact you in return.