
Industry workshop - Plant-Based Proteins and Fibre – Optimising Nutrition for Healthy Ageing

APPETITE: Innovative plAnt Protein fibre and Physical activity solutions to address poor appEtite and prevenT undernutrITion in oldEr adults

An overview

The APPETITE project is a trans-European research project where 8 institutes from 6 European countries (Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, France, & United Kingdom) collaborate for a common purpose. Each institute is funded through their local funding agency under the EU Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’ (ERA-HDHL) 2020 call for the development of targeted nutrition for prevention of undernutrition for older adults (PREVNUT).

The overall objective of APPETITE is to prevent undernutrition in community-dwelling older persons by enhancing appetite through targeted nutrition and physical activity. This will be achieved through the development of innovative plant based protein and fibre supplements in collaboration with older persons with poor appetite. Subsequently, research will be carried out on older persons with poor appetite and at high risk of undernutrition, investigating the effects of selected products – in combination with/without physical activity – on digestibility, amino acid bioavailability and whole-body protein metabolism, appetite, incidence of undernutrition and other nutritional and functional outcomes.

This overall objective will be reached through the execution of 5 stages, or work packages (WP) with the following specific objectives:

The APPETITE Consortium partners are funded by their national funding

agencies through the JPI HDHL call:

“Development of targeted nutrition for prevention of undernutrition for older adults (PREVNUT)”


Work package 1: Consumer insight

Understanding the older consumer with poor appetite.


Work package 2: Development of innovative plant-protein fibre products

Development of attractive innovative plant-based protein and fibre supplements

Work package 3: mechanistic insights

Are the innovative plant-based protein and fibre supplements behaving as expected


Work package 4: multi-country randomised controlled

intervention trial

An investigation into the overall applicability of developed plant-based protein and fibre supplements


Work package 5: impact and dissemination

It is time to let the wider scientific and general community know the results of our investigation. Where can you learn about the results of this research?